Hi Tonya, My wife and I have been married for 5 years and we are thinking of experimenting with some new things like sex toys and we are even thinking of inviting another person into our sex life! Do you think that it’s healthy to experiment or are we heading for disaster? J.P.- Kansas

Tonya: Wow! Thank you for writing in and all that I can do is give you an honest opinion. First let me say that it’s great to experiment to spice up your marriage and as long as you and your wife agree on the sex toys, then more power to you! As for inviting another person into your bed, I would advise you to be very careful and have a good heart to heart with each other before continuing any further. This is a very big step and you want to make sure that you are both really committed to each other before making the move to involve anyone else in your sex life. Good luck and always remember that you love each other and that’s what you’re doing this for.

Hi Tonya, Over the past two years you’ve become one of the most published fitness models in the world! What are you doing that’s different from the other models and what advice would you give newcomers? Lucy- Dallas, TX.

Tonya: First I want to say that I really appreciate you following my career in fitness and keeping track of how much I’m published! I think it’s an honor for someone to take time out of their busy life to notice what I’m doing in mine. As for advice, I would like to say that I love my job and it’s very important to me but it wasn’t easy at first and just like anything else you go through a lot of trial and error before you get great results! I really struggled the first few years of my career but it was something that I really wanted and I wouldn’t let anything stop me. You have to be really cautious of who you deal with and who you trust and I came from a really small town where nobody knew anything about fitness modeling so I pretty much had to learn everything on my own. Fitness modeling has to be something you really desire and if I were to give any advice to a newcomer it would be to be to find the name of the most published photographer and go after a shoot with him first thing. I thought that there was no way that I could shoot with Rob Sims so I went after less experienced photographers and wasted my time. A photographer can almost immediately make or break your career. Of course, there are lots more things that go into being a model but if you have a great body and a pretty face you’ve won half the battle! Take care and I wish you the best of luck in your future of fitness modeling.

Hi Tonya, I have a very personal question and I hope that you’ll answer this for one of your biggest fans. I always see you in the fitness magazines and in a lot of the pictures you are posing very intimately with other female models. Are you a lesbian, bisexual, or heterosexual woman? Roberto- Switzerland.

Tonya: Whoa! What I’ll do for a fan! Of course, I’ll answer your question. I am very much into men and have never dated a woman and hadn’t kissed one until I was on the set during a photo shoot. I will say that it didn’t bother me in the least and although I hadn’t really thought about being with a woman until then, the thought did cross my mind. As for now, I’ve only been involved with men, but there’s a first time for everything and you only live once!!

Hi Tonya, First of all, I love your photo’s!! You are the sexiest model in the in the whole world! I notice you only shoot with Rob Sims. Is this by choice or do you have a contract with him?
Simon- Italy

Tonya: Simon, thank you for your wonderful compliment! To answer your question, I don’t have an written agreement with Rob, but I feel that he puts 100% into every photo shoot and he has worked very hard to make sure that I look my absolute best in every picture. For that, I am very appreciative and very loyal. I could go shoot with someone else and he encourages me to explore different options all the time, but I feel that he is the best photographer that I have ever worked with and that there is no need for me to go anywhere else! Plus, he’s funny and we just click! I hope you keep checking out my pictures and feel free to write me anytime!

Hi Tonya, My girlfriend and I have been together for almost three years and we want to try anal sex but we have very little knowledge about this. Any suggestions? Michael- Arizona

Tonya: First, I want to say that it seems like you and your girl must have a very stable relationship because you say you both want to try so that means to me that you communicate well with each other! Congratulations!! As for anal sex, I would say that the main thing is to stay relaxed. I would also suggest trying an anal toy. You can go to any adult store and get a starter kit so that you’re not trying to start with anything too big! You have to practice a lot and try to get the muscle to relax before the two of you can do it together. You should also try looking up a website that will give you a more detailed description of a step by step guide. I went to google and plugged in anal sex and tons of listings came up.(No pun intended)!! Be patient and know that if you can take your time it will be a very enjoyable experience for both of you.

Hi Tonya, I’m 20 years old and want to be a fitness model but I’ve heard lots of bad things and the photographers that are currently working in the fitness industry. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Kenya- Toronto

Tonya: Thanks for writing in and I want to start off by saying that you are so young and if you have a great body, you have an awesome opportunity ahead of you in the fitness industry! I have also heard tons of horror stories about the photographers and had a couple of bad experiences before I finally came to Rob. A lot of things in this industry can be very scary and we are in the game of selling bodies and that makes it even worse! There are tons of jerks out there lurking around fitness competitions just waiting to take advantage of the innocent! This would be my advice to anyone just starting out. Be very cautious of who you select and make sure you ask for a couple of the girls phone numbers that he’s shot just to get an ideal of how things go in a shoot. You should also stay in your own hotel and never with the photographer and make sure you are very strong with your feeling and stay very professional. A good photographer will have tons of pictures in the mags, a very good rep with the girls and never try to push you into something you don’t want to do. I wish you the best of luck and if you want a sure thing contact Rob Sims and be prepared for a wonderful shoot!!